Call Centre Services
Operational Support, Contractor Co-Ordination & Reporting
As the manager of a business property, you’ll only be too aware of the increased complications and demands placed upon property and facilities management.
To help you manage this ever-changing crucial part of your business more effectively, you may find great benefit from a unique software designed in Australia, for people just like you.
Titled “Call Centre”, this revolutionary software package can help you:
- Track all service requests from inception to satisfactory completion
- Maintain greater control over your payment approvals, from point of service request origin to final approval and payment. This helps you ensure that client funds and expenditure is audited for 100% accuracy
- Receive and action all property service requests via its dedicated Call Centre Service, available 24 x 7 for all your staff
- Manage comprehensive, site-specific details for your property portfolio, via the Call Centre database.
- Receive service calls online using an internet connection from the client’s intranet website (developed by AESC) by email
- Receive service calls using traditional methods of telephone or fax
- Provide clarity to all your staff for rating of calls, by prioritising each calls as High, Medium or Low (after consultation with the client). You’ll find this is particularly beneficial for the management & actioning of OH&S (occupational health & safety) incidents, or incidents that are related to Statutory Compliance
- Provide easy dial-in support via dedicated 1300 numbers, with all calls handled as though the service is “in house”. The caller is greeted by a Client Call Centre operator who responds with your company’s personalised company name and greeting.
Budget Control, Expenditure Controls & Expenditure Tracking
When you choose to become our client, we will work with you to determine specific expenditure thresholds for managing the various types of service calls. This allows you to avoid nasty surprises in your spending, and set controls that best suit your business.
Let’s look at an example.
You may elect to set a maximum limit for any single work order raised by the Cost Centre at say, $300. For costs above that $300 threshold, but lower than say $1,000, you may choose to set your Facility Manager as the approver. And you may decide to refer costs above $1,000 to a more senior business manager for approval.
All expenditure will be recorded and tracked against General Ledger (GL) codes. AESC will track all client expenditure to the Property Council of Australia (PC) GL codes (as a minimum). These are the real estate industry standard codes.
Expenditure & Budget Reporting
Each month you will get expenditure reports against each budget category for each of your properties. Where no existing budget information is available, AESC will provide you with monthly expenditure reporting for PCA GL coding on a property-by-property basis.
Year-to-date and annual expenditure reports are available through the Call Centre system at the end of each quarter.
Contractor & Accounts Performance Management
AESC will keep a close eye on all contractor response times and closure of work orders on completion of associated work. Once the work has been deemed completed, invoices for the work must be received within an agreed timeframe to ensure they are paid promptly.
The contractors will send their invoices to AESC, and we will reconcile these through a three-tired process to guarantee the accuracy and validity of each work order payment:
- The invoice is received by AESC, and checked for billing details and accuracy
- Each work order is invoiced separately and then checked against the original work request on two levels
- The AESC Client Contract Manager then signs off on the work order expenditure to finalise the process
You will get all invoicing details in spreadsheet format. These spreadsheets will detail all work order details, including costs, and will be rolled up into a single consolidated account for you to process for payment. Our methodology of invoice approvals and payment is designed to help you eliminate the time-consuming tasks of having to check, confirm, reconcile and audit each and every work order raised against every site.
By implementing the Call Centre system to handle all your service requests, your maintenance costs and contractor performance can be easily and accurately evaluated. This is an invaluable tool for contract management, and the delivery of consistent high quality service to your property portfolio. |