{assign var=title value="Generate Coupons"} {include file="admin/header.inc.html"} {include file="admin/coupon_nb.inc.html"}


{if $error}{foreach from=$error item=e}
  • {$e}

    Coupons Count
    how many coupons need to be generated
    Coupons Usage Count
    how much times coupon can be used
    enter big value (ex.:99999) for unlimited
    Member Coupons Usage Count
    how much times coupon can be used
    by member
    Code Length
    generated coupon code length
    order discount
    comment - visible only for admin
    date range when coupon can be used
    0}checked{/if}> Don't limit date of usage
    {html_select_date prefix="begin_date" start_year=-3 end_year=+3}
    {html_select_date prefix="expire_date" start_year=-3 end_year=+3}
    disable this coupons batch, but keep in database
    it can be enabled later
    0}checked{/if}> Lock batch
    coupons can be used with selected products
    hold Ctrl Key to select multple products
    if nothing selected, coupon can be used with ANY product
    {include file="admin/footer.inc.html"}